Frequently Asked Questions


Do I need a license to hunt?

No. We operate a private game preserve. No license is needed, as we provide tags for the game you take. Junior hunters are welcome as well, no hunters saftey course needed. However, we will make sure that all hunters have basic firearm saftey.

Can I bring my own bird dog?

Yes, we encourage hunters who have their own dog to bring it out the preserve. Tails are always welcome at Hidden Meadows, the more the merrier! A guide is still required to ensure an enjoyable and safe hunt.

Do I have to wear Orange?

Yes, subject to the Pennsylvania state minimum requirement of 250 square inches of daylight fluorescent orange material on the head, chest and back combined, visible 360 degrees.

Is there a minimum number of birds?

Yes, we generally require a 20 bird minimum when booking hunts. However, where and when we can we are willing to work with folks who have other needs.

What months are you in season?

The season at Hidden Meadows Game Preserve runs from the first Monday in September to the last Saturday in April.

How far in Advance do I need to book?

A minimum of 72hrs advance booking is required before your scheduled hunt. However, the sooner you book the better. This will help you to get the date and time you want. Fridays, Saturdays, and Holidays generally fill up the quickest. If you are thinking of one of those days book well in advance.

How many can be in my group?

There is a maximum of 5 persons per hunting party. If you have a larger group, then you can have more than 1 party subject to reservation capacity. If booking a large group it is better to plan well in advance.

Can you outfit my hunting party?

We are capable of providing the birds, dogs, and guides, however hunters are required to provide their own guns, ammo, and orange.

Am I guaranteed all the birds I order?

Whether you hunt with our dogs or yours, we work to the best of our ability to help bag all of the birds you order. Generally we have a very high success rate. However, hunting is still hunting, and birds that get away are your responsibility.